Homespun Holidays

Homespun Holidays 2016Come out Saturday, November 12, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM and enjoy a memorable time for all ages! What an opportunity to usher in the holiday season!

Once again the fair will feature quality crafts, a bountiful Harvest Table, a scrumptious Bake Sale, unusual Attic Treasures, a creative Kids Corner, an unique Silent Auction, the ever popular Theme Baskets, and a 5 Star Luncheon. Put it on your calendar!

Our church is located on the corner of Cottage and Spring Streets, right behind Unibank in Whitinsville. Street parking is available without restriction.

Many Hands Make Light Work


“So If”
.. You have Crafts or results of your Harvest to donate, contact Suzanne.
.. You have a special item or a service to donate, contact Leslie.
.. You enjoy creating Theme Baskets and need suggestions, contact Harriet
.. You want to put a smile on Someone’s face, donate a “Treasure” and contact Carol or Bev

As ever, the KMHMC appreciates any donation of goods, work time fair day, your patronage, and, most of all, your prayers for another mission fundraiser.